A single conversation can transform a life. As a life science trainer, your job is to prepare your teams to seize this crucial moment. Our job is simple. It’s to support you every step of the journey. New Hire, Home Study, Pre-Launch, Launch, or Post-Launch, our experienced training experts are ready. Let’s seize the moment together.
New Hire
An entire force or a new wave — you’ve hired your future. Together, we’ll ensure they are ready to seize the moment.

Onboarding Tools | New Hire Guides | Workshops
Home Study
Preparation for live workshops and real-life application starts at home. We’ll create engaging foundational and background knowledge study materials plus deliverables your learners will want to use.
Disease & Treatment Landscape | iRead® | Patient Journey | eLearning | eTutorials | Blended Learning Systems | PI/Reprint eTools | Gamification | Time-Spaced Learning | Virtual Preceptorships | Key Competitors | Product Modules | Competitor eTools | Learning Portals | Workbooks | Qstream® | Executive Summaries | Interactive Case Studies | Personalized Learning | Pretests | Assessments | Workbooks | Games | Leaderboards | Competitor Fact Cards | Product Trial Fact Cards | eFlashcards | Unbranded Campaign & Profiling | Market Access | Specialty Pharma

Approved! Think of the trials, research, human resources, and financial investment that have led to this day. Now it’s time to deliver results for your company and patients. Rest easy. Let’s start with the PI.
PI Walk-Throughs | PI Study Guides | PI Assessments | Annotated PI eTools | Product Module Updates | PI Fact Cards | Oral Certifications
“Once the rocket launches, it is incredibly difficult to change its course mid-flight.” ~ Coach Koetter, Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Here, we’ll continue to focus on meeting preparedness, potential new hire waves, and setting the stage for a successful launch or live meeting.

Playbooks | Objection Handling | Marketing Visual Aid (MVA) Walk-through | MVA eTool | Meeting Pre-Work | Draft PI Walk-Through | Gap Analysis
Three to five days to inspire and assess if your learners have the knowledge, skills, and behaviors to be successful in the field. Start to finish, we’ll make every minute an experience they won’t forget.
Experiential & Application-based Activities | Sales Readiness Workshops | Launch Workshops | Workshop Apps | Selling Approach | Putting It All Together | Gamification | Leaderboards | Scoring Apps | Certification Routing | Access & Reimbursement | Train-the-Trainer | Verbalization | Coaching | Teaser Trailers

The cells in our bodies continually divide, die, and regenerate. The process of learning, retaining, and sustaining knowledge is no different.
Manager Coaching Guides | Workshops | Qstream® | Newsletters | Hot Topics | Time-Spaced-Learning | Mobile Mentor
Congrats! Your launch materials are approved. Do you have a plan to help your team use them in compliance and with confidence?

Workshops | Virtual Classroom Training (VCTs) | Objection Handling